Monday, February 21, 2011

Don't let the scale get you down.

This isn't the cleanest looking photo but I'm short on time and don't feel like taking a crash course on This graph came from my Excel file which I am using to keep track of my weight loss data.

I'm using this graph to photographically show the importance of measuring during a weight loss journey.

I know I stated in my last blog how happy I was to have lost inches despite weight gain, but I just wanted to reiterate by showing this graph. The lower bar represents my total inches. Notice how it has been decreasing steadily. My weight is represented by the top bar. It had been decreasing at a less-steady rate than total inches, but the sharp increase would have been discouraging had I not also been measuring. See it now? It's amazing. I love graphs.

This coming Saturday marks the end of week 4, and I will be posting a newer version of my front view photo, as well as any other comparison shots that I find noteworthy. I cannot wait to update the frontal shot though because I assure you, I am not nearly as rolly as I was back then. It's funny to look back. How the hell did I let myself get that bumpy?!

Thanks for reading! Tonight I'm going to the gym for a power interval workout on the bike and some muscle pumpin'. Love it.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Not a Loser - Still a Winner.

I knew this day would come: the day when the scale was kind of mean. I've seen it time and time again with people across the map trying to lose weight. First few weeks are great, nothing has changed, and a weight gain. It's OK. I'm here to tell you now, it's OK.

This is why we take body measurements. This morning I weighed in at 2.5 pounds heavier than I was last week. Not only did I gain, I also went back over the 150 that I never wanted to see again. It's OK. Really, it is. I lost 4.25 inches off my body. This means, in 3 weeks, I've lost a total of 3.5 pounds and 12.25 inches. This is called change in body composition.

Here's why I presume I 'gained' weight this week. Keep in mind that there's a difference between fat gain and muscle gain. And keep in mind that muscle weighs four times more than fat.

This week was the first week (since the start) that I started exercising. And I exercised every day. I strength-trained twice, swam twice, biked once and ran once. Plus I did my 75 kettlebell swings 4 out of the 7 days. I am trying to put muscle on - that's how an endurance athlete gains power.

So I am not discouraged in the least about the increase in weight on the scale. I like my measurements. I like them a lot. Can you believe I've lost a total of 12.25 inches in just three weeks? If I hadn't been measuring, the scale would have pissed me off today. It would have pissed me off last week too.

I'm here to tell you the importance of taking body measurements. The importance of taking body fat % is great too, but I don't have the money to do that right now. So measurements are doing the work for me.

This coming week I need to focus on a few things:
  1. I need to drink a LOT more water. Especially so now that I'm back to my full-time training.
  2. I am going to start drinking coffee again, and I don't feel the need to eliminate half & half. I've stopped needing sugar for anything. But I am pretty sure coffee has always kept me regular. I'm eating TONS of fiber, and [TMI warning]: I'm so backed up. I can't deal anymore. Coffee, come back to me. Tea, you can stay too. I love you both.
  3. I need a post-workout snack or meal. I will read the book and figure out what will best serve my needs, but I don't like the feeling of not eating for an hour or two after I workout because it takes me that long to get a hold of food. Any suggestions, please comment below.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading. More to come...


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blood Glucose

Ever test your blood glucose? My mom has a few glucose meters lying around because she, like many obese Americans, has Type II diabetes. She rarely tests her blood sugar like her doctor has told her to, and I think I've cracked the code.

Last night I was curious what my blood sugar was, so we both tested ours. This morning I woke up feeling lightheaded and wobbly on my feet. I hadn't really eaten a very big dinner after my 45-min workout the night before, and I went to bed dehydrated and just feeling blah. I woke up with the same headache and I felt like my blood sugar was low. So out of curiosity, I tested it. No sense in wondering when the answer is just a finger prick away.

According to her little user's guide, blood glucose levels should be around 110 (at lowest) before meals. This morning, mine was around 76. Go figure. But now that I've done a little online reading, I've learned that levels are 'supposed' to be lower in the morning .. in a fasted state.

There's so much information out there it's giving me a migraine. I can't think straight. Today hasn't been the best day for me. I am having chili for dinner, so that's a plus.

Speaking of which, I think it's starting to call my name.

Anyone with more experience regularly testing blood sugar, please feel free to comment. I should probably know more about that, but I am not a diabetes expert and I do not have experience measuring my own blood sugar. I will test again tonight before I eat dinner. I suppose I'm in another fasted state. Today was not the best day.. my appetite has kind of bottomed out.

I need a job.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Notes of a Scandal

Having lost 6.6 pounds in just two weeks, I feel successful. Actually, I feel fat. I've never had a perfect body, but I'm also not typically at a weight that would allow for 6.6 pounds of weight loss in just two weeks. But I'll take it. A famous quote of mine goes a little something like this: "accept yourself for you you are, where you are. If you're not happy with what you are, then do something about it. If you're unwilling to do something, then just shut up about it." In other words, I can't stand people who perpetually whine and complain about their weight and then do nothing about it. What' sworse are those who 'try' to do something about it and then give up after two days, and then use that in their ammo for "I've tried everything and nothing works." Get real.

Losing eight inches off my body without doing a single sit up felt more scandalous than successful. But, after two weeks on the slow-carb diet, I'm rearing to go. Time to put on that lean muscle. Time to rebuild my endurance. Time to get my buttocks back into my bike shorts without ripping the seams.

After a couple of remarks from a few people, I feel like there are a few things I want to address today.

The Slow-Carb diet Explained
What am I eating? What am I not eating? Every meal, I include a protein source (lately chicken breast), legumes (lately kidney & garbanzo beans), and as many veggies as I please (lately baby spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes - they're a fruit, I know - but they are allowed on this diet as one of 2 exceptions to the no fruit rule). I top that concoction off with Newman's Own balsamic vinaigrette. Very tasty.

I don't eat white carbohydrates (no sugar, no flour, no grains, no rice, no potatoes, etc). No fruit (with exception of tomatoes & avocadoes). I don't drink my calories (no milk, no juice, no soda, etc).

Once a week I go hog wild and purposefully eat the crapola I've purposefully avoided in the six days prior. This past Sunday, for example, I kid you not, I ate the following: chocolate chip cookies, chocolate milk, string cheese, whoopee pie, french fries, Wendy's 1/4 pounder, a chocolate frosty, 2 Capri sun drinks, sweetened coffee, a breakfast sandwich, a homemade donut, a chocolate cupcake (rather large), 5 chocolate covered cherries, and Stonyfield Farms yogurt. Not lying. I ate that much in one day. Not because I lost willpower, but because I had control.

Weight Loss v. Body Composition Change
Someone recently made a comment about losing water weight and then gaining water weight back due to bloating and the menstrual cycle, and then gaining weight due to muscle gains. I want to address these topics today too.

My main focus on this weight loss quest is to change my body composition. I will lose weight in the process of getting there, but I am driven more by the desire to have lean muscle on my body than I am to weight 112 pounds on the scale. I am an endurance athlete. I am striving to be a decent triathlete. Being lighter will help because I'll have less mass to carry around. But I love muscle and muscle generates power, so I would never sacrifice strong muscles for a happy number on the scale. Will I remain at 148 pounds when my body composition is around 18% body fat? Hell no. I would never want that much muscle. My weight will go down, even as I build muscle. I'm not close enough to my ideal body composition for that kind of a numbers switch.

The menstrual cycle and the age-old monthly excuse that far too many women use: forget about it. I should enlighten you. On January 29, 2011, I weighed 155 pounds. A week later, I was on the 2nd day of my menstrual cycle, when bloating and yuckyness are at their worst. Should I remind you that I weighed in at 4.6 pounds lighter that day? I don't use my menstrual cycle as an excuse to be lazy, to be fat, to overeat. I have run in a lot of very important races (and done well) during that time of the month. I'm not worried about gaining weight during my cycle and 'sabotaging' my diet because I'm driven to succeed and I am filled with discipline. I have the willpower to turn down a social eating event and that chocolate bar stopped staring at me in the face when it realized I wasn't even looking. I want to lose weight more than I want instant gratification that I'll have to pay for later.

Water Weight
When a morbidly obese person loses 18 pounds in a week (as seen on Biggest Loser), people often say, "well half of that is water weight." I just want to point out that an adipocyte (storage cell for fat) is surrounded by water. So when soeone loses that fat storage cell because the fat got taken up for engery (due to caloric deficit), the associated water was also excreted from the body - sweat, urine, tears, saliva, etc. It's OK to count water weight loss as weight loss. Because if someone can lose 18 pounds in a week, it means they have excessive amounts of adipocytes.

Carbohydrates cause water retention. This is what people experience when they stop a healthy diet and start eating their comfort foods - breads, cereals, bagels, pasta, lattes, milk, etc. The carbohydrates cause a huge fluctuation in water weight. Stop acting like you can't survive without sugar, and the water will be flushed from your system again.

I'm looking for a body composition change. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything in life by not allowing myself to gorge on macaroni & cheese for dinner, bagels for breakfast, etc. I surprisingly don't miss my morning sweetened coffee. I always thought grains were an important part of the diet because the food pyramid told me so. Well, the food pyramid has changed several times since I was first introduced to it. Not to mention, the population of people it was intended for (US population) are in majority VERY obese. We are suffering from a nation-wide epidemic of morbid obesity. So what gives? I think I can live without a daily overdose of refined sugar. I think I can live with lots more proteins and beans and veggies. If I really miss chocolate chip cookies, I'll have them on Sunday. I'll eat the whole bag if I want to. Because I can.

Positive Changes
These are the positive changes I've noticed in my body since following the slow-carb diet: no more heart palpitations, no need for coffee in the morning (I started drinking green tea regularly), I feel energized, I'm less cranky, less tired, I sleep well, digest foods well (unless I've flecked up the chili). I've stopped the incessant need for emotional eating (turns out boredom is technically an emotion). And I rarely get hungry between meals. If I do, I add more beans at the next meal and it stops. Best of all, I feel in control of my life. If I can control my diet, I can control my health and that is enough control for me.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I originally wasn't planning to update photos other than once a month, so I wouldn't get discouraged, or I don't know. I don't like posing & letting my fat hang out in my underwear I guess. But after this week, I decided to just see what all the hype was.. I mean, according to the tape measure, I lost another 4.75 total inches this week! That's a LOT!!! I also lost another 2 pounds. I thought maybe my measuring tape got broken somehow.

My total losses after the 2nd week are 6.6 pounds and 8 inches! Here's the side angle photo for proof... I couldn't believe it. I look pregnant in the 2-week ago photo!

More to come because this diet is A) actually not boring like Tim says it is and B) very simple and cheap - both of which are comforting right now in times of financial hardship.

WAAAAH-BAAAAM! I feel so encouraged after seeing the 2-week photos. I cannot believe how fat I was allowing myself to get. I'm finally under 150. Never again (unless I'm carrying an actual bun in my oven, not just rolls on my back!)

Should I remind you that I lost 6.6 pounds and 8 inches off my body without exercising?? Not because I hate exercise (I actually love it AND the science behind it - tee hee) - but because I wanted to just see what this slow-carb diet would actually do. It gets too confusing when I'm also exercising. Simplify.

This next week, I will be exercising every day. 75 swing squats to start my day, a cold effing 5 minute shower (I timed myself this morning - it's brutal; not gonna lie). Slow-carb diet and my triathlon training. I must have been taking a speed shower before.

Looking forward to what the next 2 weeks will bring.

Thanks for reading and thank you for being as excited as I was!

What can you do in two weeks?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Week 2 Ends Tomorrow!

Just a reminder to stay tuned to Saturday's blog, where I will post an update to my weight & measurements. It will mark the end of the 2nd week. This week has been a little rough, but I managed to figure out a way to tastefully add more legumes to my diet, and my digestive tract seems to have fully recovered from Monday's fiasco.

Things I plan to include next week:
  • drink a glass of ice cold water before breakfast
  • 75 kettlebell swing squats before breakfast (I only have a 10 lb kettlebell)
  • 5 minutes minimum in cold shower every morning (I haven't been timing, and I'm sure I'm overestimating the time I spend under the rush of cold water).
  • commence my low-volume indoor triathlon training (too cold/snowy/icy outside - hard to swim in a frozen lake).
Continuing with:
  • slow-carb diet every meal
  • one day of DGW (dieters gone wild) each week
  • daily cold shower
  • weekly weigh-in/measurements
Results will follow.
This week I ate cottage cheese at a few meals, as Tim Ferriss did mention that the insulin response to cottage cheese is lower than it is to milk, and his mother consumed it with great results. Some meals just needed a little oomph, especially this week with the Monday trots I had.

I need to drink more water. Therefore, the ice water in the morning will serve as a double whammy. Ice to lower internal temperature, water to hydrate. I love multitasking.

Thanks for reading. More tomorrow.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mid-week Update..

I haven't been in touch much this week but I assure you, I've been staying true to my word and the slow-carb diet.

I'm having my doubts this week. I started Monday not feeling all that great, and by the time my shift was ending at work, I didn't think I'd make the drive home. Turns out that beans must be soaked and cooked thoroughly - otherwise, the result is nothing less than depleting.

I stayed in bed most of Tuesday and I really needed that. It was hard to eat but I knew I needed to eat. I must admit that I went off plan by eating sugar-free jello. I would not have normally put aspartame into my body but for some reason, after being as sick as I was on Monday night, I needed something jello-like. Not sure where the craving came from but the jello did the trick and I'm back on my feet.

I'm having a hard time incorporating beans at every meal. If you have a good (and by good I mean tasty) bean recipe, please share. Post to my blog would be delightful but if you want to you can also FB me or email me at

Every meal I eat is supposed to include something from the recommended 'protein' list (egg whites, whole eggs, chicken, grass-fed beef, etc), one thing from the legumes list (lentils, kidney beans, black beans, pinto beans, etc), and as much veggies as my heart desires. Today for lunch I had a chicken salad - grilled chicken salad, I mean. Bed of baby spinach, grilled chicken, tomatoes (they're a fruit, I know - they're allowed), cucumbers and garbanzo beans and kidney beans mixed with Newman's Own balsamic vinaigrette. Tasty. Perhaps I'll have to stick to that and the chili (done right). I need ideas for breakfasts as I have grown entirely done with eggs. Forcing them down never seems to help.

I just don't think I'm going to see weight loss this week. Why? Dunno.. the jello, maybe? Maybe I didn't eat enough? Maybe because I didn't make it to the gym like I had planned to? My body was so hot last week but this week I have been freezing on a daily basis. My cold showers used to kick my internal thermostat on, but now they have been leaving me cold. I'm worried that's a sign that my metabolism has slowed.

Or maybe I just need some encouragement. Only time will tell. I will be happy if I lose 2 pounds and I will be happy if I lose at least one total inch this week. It just wasn't a great week. To start the week off as sick as I was on Monday wasn't a great way to start the week. And by the way, by sick I mean whatever went in the mouth came out the backside in record time. Not fun. I'm not whining over a cold.

Stay tuned for Saturday! We shall see what happens!

Thanks for reading & don't forget to try your cold shower.